Sunday, February 7, 2010

“Come and hear, all who fear God, and I will tell of what He has done for my soul.”
Psalms 66:16 (NAS)

…and oh! What He has done for my soul!!

When the Psalmist penned this verse, he penned one of the most beautiful verses in scripture. The verse is addressed to “all who fear God”. They are the ones who will be able to truly appreciate what God has done for a soul, because they have a story too - God has done something for their soul too. This blog is my story of what God has done for my soul and like the Psalmist, I invite all who fear God to come and hear (or in this case, read) what God has done for my soul.

I am a freelance Christian writer. I have written some as of yet unpublished manuscripts as well as smaller published pieces. My work either has been or will be in the following publications; “The Lookout”, “The Secret Place”, Southern Seminary women's devotional book to be published fall of 2010, and “Love is a Flame” to be released soon by Bethany House. In addition, publications that are currently holding some of my work for further consideration include, “Parent Life”, “The Christian Journal”, and “The Upper Room”.

My blog will have several different topics that I may write about including, Life as I knew it - stories from my childhood,
Through My Kitchen Window - current topics,
Those who Fear God -stories of believers,
The Two Edged Sword - thoughts on scripture,
Confessions of a Prayer Warrior - prayer,
A Cheery Countenance - humor,
The quotable Susan -inspiring quotes
…and any other topic that may come to mind as the days roll on; that’s the nice thing about a blog, it can change as I need it to.

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