Tuesday, April 30, 2019

New Insight on Prayer

I just discovered something new in the Bible study homework I’m doing for my BSF Bible study. This year we have been studying "People of the Promise Land", a study that has covered many Old Testament characters. We are winding it down now with a study of David and then finally Solomon. As we do this we have looked simultaneously at a couple of the history books, like Kings and Chronicles, and Psalms. My newly-gained insight comes from Psalm 72. 
Psalms 72 is basically a prayer King David wrote for his son Solomon. It has 20 verses of requests for wonderful things from God, including things like that peace would abound in Solomon’s day, that he would have dominion over many lands, other kings would bow down to him & bring him gifts ... and then in vs. 15, right after saying, “May gold be given to him” it says, “May prayer be made continually & blessings invoked for him all the day’s of his life.”
This sure sheds some light on prayer! It’s as good as gold, literally! (Even better, actually.) So, you have no gold to give someone or some worthy cause? Give them prayer.
I can’t believe I didn’t notice this verse earlier in my life. I absolutely would have written about it when I was writing my book about prayer, Prayer: It's Not About You